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In recent years fire protection has become critical in a workplace. So, look no further than Bridge Door Systems for Fire Certified Roller Shutters and Doors. The Bridge Door Systems fire door complies to strict health and safety legislation and is certified and tested to act as a barrier for up to four hours.

Our fire roller shutter doors also provide an exceptionally high standard of protection for your premises. All of our bespoke designed fire shutters have been developed in order to provide the upmost protection for  your premises and the occupants during an outbreak of fire. They are tested to a maximum clear opening of 7mW x 7mH and all of our fire doors can be equipped with an audio-visual warning panel  which alerts persons in proximity on receipt of a fire alarm or mains failure.

The doors can be used in different environments including retail, factories, sports centres, laboratories, storage units, and warehouses to name a few.

Fire Certified Roller Shutter and Doors: Installation Services

With Fire Certified Roller Shutters, reliability is especially important from a customer’s perspective. As a result, our fire certified doors go through individual, thorough testing before being installed. Keeping in line with health and safety regulations, ensuring that they are fully functional.

As previously mentioned, these are most important in high traffic areas, as a duty of care. Despite the durability of the pristine material, these doors are vital in their specific situations. Never compromise on customer safety, always ensure that you know exactly what you are paying for.


Fire Certified Roller Shutters Installation Services

With BDS, this is never a concern, as we combine safety, security with excellent installation services.

All of our fully trained door installers cover the majority of the North East and North West. If you’re unsure which of our doors would work best for your premises, then why not get in touch with our office team? No matter how much you know about our doors/ barriers, our team’s knowledge can only be of help to you.

Contact Bridge Door Systems, today!

For any door or gate system installations and repairs, contact North England’s most reliable; Bridge Door Systems! We will be able to guide you through the planning process and install new fire certified roller shutters and doors.

To get in touch with the BDS team, click here.