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DHF Certification: Industrial Doors Manufacturing Accreditation

DHF Certification is an excellent way of pursuing a career in the door and gate industry. Their intention is to further the understanding of the whole door and gate system process. Specifically this means: supply, installation, maintenance and repair.

In terms of long-term excellence no one compares to DHF Certification. Formed in 1897, DHF offer many different training courses for different areas. Training the next generation of construction managers, engineers and installation and maintenance teams.

Bridge Door Systems see the massive impact DHF Certification have on many careers. Therefore we embrace their accreditation. As a result, our team have experience with these very courses. Each member of our team has the necessary training and experience for your new door and gate systems.


DHF Certification – Bridge Door Systems

DHF aren’t just a one-trick pony, as they give you the freedom to make the most out of your qualification. Thus this means if you want to upgrade qualifications or pursue a few courses to build your accreditation. There are many different courses on offer, so which exactly is the most important?

If you are looking to become a manager or supervisor. The recommended route is Level 2 Award in Safety and Level 4 Award in Legislation. This is a 2 day combined course for those who are looking to restructure an organisation or workforce.

Alternatively for engineers there are specific courses for automated gates and barriers and for industrial and garage doors. Completing these will mean you receive Level 2 Awards in Safety for installation & maintenance engineers.

Not only are these certificates amazing on CVs they are well-respected in our industry. As North England’s biggest door and gate specialists, we take each accreditation into consideration. In short, each one of our engineers are specialists within their area and this is thanks to DHF.

Trust the best in the business to get started working on your new door or gate system. The Bridge Door Systems team are always available to begin this process and make it easier for the customers.