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NVQ: Industrial Doors Manufacturing Accreditation

NVQ (National Vocational Qualification) is a qualification gained through assessment and training of practical work. Of course, this is a pathway into the door and gate system industry, a qualification we hold in high regard.

The first few Levels deem someone knowledgeable, apprentice level for a job. Followed by the Levels 4 and 5 showing someone as adequate at a job for their industry standard. With a Level 7 NVQ being the equivalent to a masters degree, meaning as skillful and knowledgeable as possible.

Bridge Door Systems use this qualification of a useful reflection of a person’s ability during the job interview stages. With there being members of our team who boast this very certificate. This is certainly a way of both learning and earning, a very handy qualification for getting into industry.


NVQ Accreditation – Bridge Door Systems

NVQ is more than just note-taking, the practical work prepares workers for industry work. By creating this familiarity with different parts, requirements and such, it leads to well-trained staff.

After this, companies, such as Bridge Door Systems bed them into the industry as they begin to progress up the ladder. Meaning for our customers, this is the highest quality output possible.

We proudly boast an exceptional workforce, both in our North East and North West branches. All of our team are fully qualified and have years of experience within our industry. With a detailed quotation and free site survey, you will be led along the right path by BDS.

For any of the finest door and gate systems in North England get in touch with the BDS team.  No matter if its a breakdown or overhaul, BDS’s repair services covers a 100 mile radius around Manchester. This means that you no longer have to worry about potential breakdowns and repairs.